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Young  boy holding a dinosaur fossil

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Papilio anactus, Dainty Swallowtail. Location: Australia, Victoria, Melbourne, Carlton Gardens. Survey: City of Melbourne Bio Blitz 2016.

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Boy on a wooden verandah looking through a telescope.

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Fossil of a periotic (ear bone) of a prehistoric mammalodontid baleen whale in a white cardboard storage box.

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Man holding an old camera

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Two men and a woman (a son with his mother and father) standing in front of a white railing. To the left of the picture is a life preserver ring with the words “London / Esperance Bay” printed on it.

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Brittle star

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Family walking though the dinosaur walk at Museum Members Summer Party.

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We welcome proposals from community groups, organisations, artists, performers and individuals to be considered for inclusion in our forward exhibition and public program.

Fanciful scientific illustration of a seven-headed reptilian beast. Two birds fly above it; another perches on a twig.

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Coin - 1 Shilling, Fiji, 1938: crowned head of the King facing left; around, GEORGE VI KING EMPEROR - Obverse

Find out how to get coins and other historical items valued

Want to know how much your coin collection or family heirloom is worth? This guide can get you started. 

penny coin

Coins and medals

Where to go to find out more about your coins and medals.

Passengers On Deck of 'SS Ballarat', Arriving at Station Pier, Port Melbourne, 1925.

Researching family history

Links to databases, archives, records and resources to assist with your family history research project.

WWI soldier

WWI & Australian military history

A guide to finding information about soldiers’ war-time experiences and Australia’s military history.

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